We Made It!
A new year, a new life... that's been my featured hashtag on instagram for the last few months. Well let me tell you, it is turning out to be a very true statement. We made our move to the big State of Texas, really not knowing what life would be like for us. As it unfolds, we are liking it more and more! It's a big change, but the discovery has been incredible! As of yet, I am still unpacking and organizing so have had no time to dive into my work, painting, and figuring out just who I am out here... but I have to say, that I am loving, my new, slower pace, the daily discoveries, and yes, I am loving (so far) the Texas weather. Today I will share some pictures of Cross Roads Texas, the small community that we landed in. We live in a newer home, but in a development that is surrounded by nature and farm land. We are so blessed to be slightly removed from the hustle and bustle, but still have quick access to the fun and excitement that the Plano area has to offer.
David had never seen our house in person, so this was a very exciting moment.... we just had to capture it with a selfie. Most of the houses in this area are made of stone and brick... being a mid-westerner, I love me some brick!!!
The very first thing that catches your eye when you walk into our house is the lake in the back. It's called Tannery Lake, and is a true reservoir to Lake Lewisville. It is said that it is the best bird watching lake in Northern Texas. I have seen cranes, red-winged black birds, cardinals, pipers, and ducks... the little guys don't like to pose for pictures though. LOL.
Ugh... no more make up, no more pretty smiles... just boxes, paper, and way too much stuff!
Blessed!!! This is the reward after our first day of unpacking and cleaning. I have always heard the Texas skies are amazing... after 10 days of this ever-changing view, I must say that I agree. I am trying to promise myself never to take this for granted!
There is a wonderful walking path all the way around the lake. It's so fun! Neighbors walking their dogs, joggers, kids playing. Every now and then you'll find these wonderful little rest stops. I had no idea how cool this was, as I had not seen this part of the lake when we purchased the house!
Just another view of the lake with our house in the background. It's quite brown now, but in a month everything will start turning green!
Talk about discoveries!!! When David and I were taking a stroll around the lake Saturday morning we saw this. It appears to be an old horse hitch... now those of you who know me, know that I love old chippy paint. It amazes me that this is just here in the midst of the trees, untouched for who knows how many years. How rad is that?
This sign is right outside our neighborhood, across the street at the entrance to the cutest farm. I sent this picture to David while he was working... he replied "Please Don't". LOL!!!
The chick selling farm!
I went exploring down a street, right outside our development called Historic Lane. This is what I found!
Some happy cows...
and some pretty cool farm houses! I hope you enjoyed the Cross Roads Texas tour. As we settle in, I will continue sharing my adventures, work, and play. Until then, take good care!