3 Months And It Feels Like Home!
Hi Friends! So I thought I would write a blog post, just because I have lot to share! Warning... this is going to be picture heavy! This is a great way for me to share with friends, family, and clients, about my crazy new life here in Texas... I appreciate your interest!
So we have been here only for a short 3 months but it definitely feels like home. It's funny how you learn what really makes a house feel like a home... surprising really that to me it has very little to do with the house. Although, I love to decorate, and redecorate my digs... I've learned that's not it. The decor of your house may help you feel at peace when you are in your home, but it's not what makes it home! At any rate, I do agree that a cozy room helps. This is a picture of my living room. Bessie is my new piece of art I aquired from a local artist, now friend, Tracy Palmer. She is amazing.
The last post I shared had lot's of pictures of the lake in my back yard, and the land around it. While it was beautiful, it was brown. Everything goes dormant in the Winter. Watching the weather change brings back childhood memories. Memories of home. This next picture is the field right next to the lake and behind my house. You can see it has sprung. Growing up, I have fond memories of Black-Eyed Susan's sprouting up around the highways... you can imaging my delight when these beauties began sprouting! No more brown... lot's of color and butterflies!
It's humid here on hot days, and other days it's windy.... guess what? That reminds me of home. I grew up in Ohio and Indiana, so the moment we had a fairly humid day here (and it's nothing like the mild humidity in CA), I had that wonderful recollection of my childhood... it felt like home. Tornado warnings... yup! They feel like home too! LOL. I love nature and animals... always have. Here, I get to see horses, long horns, cows, donkeys, goats, chickens, and birds galore. As a child, I always was rescuing animals... my husband is dreading the day I bring some half dead farm animal home to nurse back to health...LOL. My neighbor saved a duck, I have to admit, I was jealous! I did help a turtle get across the road! This next picture is 1 mile from my house. I travel down this road several times a week and there are 3 mamma horses with their babies. I saw this baby for the first time when it was only a few days old. It layed on the ground sleeping while mamma looked over it. Baby is doing great now, and you can see mamma is very protective.
I feel so very lucky to be able to see this every day!!!!!
You are not home unless you have people to call friends. I have made a few very special friends. My next door neighbor Myra has been wonderful. She helps me with everything from telling me where the best services and deals are, picking up farm fresh eggs, and just the daily chat that is so important. I am so happy to have her for a neighbor and friend. I've made another great friend named Sheila. Sheila is the owner of Ruby Jean, a small boutique in Down Town Aubrey. I happened into her store one day, and we hit it off. She has introduced me to so many people... I am truly grateful to her. Below is a picture of Sheila and I that was in the 380 Guide, a local magazine supporting businesses.
Sheila and I getting ready for a Soy Candle class.
Home is never home, unless you have family to share it with. During the month of March and April we had a great deal of visitors! Our children, Pierce and Megan visited, My Mom and Mike came for a while too, and Susan, my friend, who is family to me also came and stayed with us. Now, that really made our house feel like home. We were sad to see them go but look forward to more visits!
We took Mom and the Kids to Fortunata Winery... so much fun!
Mom hates this picture, but I think it's cute! Sorry Mom!
Susan and I at Magnolia Market! We love Jo Jo!
Lastly, it would not feel like home without our work. David is settling in to his new job at Cap One, and I as usual have my hands on several different projects. I am painting like a mad woman! I have a space at Doozies Corner in Down Town Mckinney in which I sell my painted furniture and hand made goods. I am also teaching workshops and taking vendor space at the Southern Chapel Vintage Market. Check them out! southerchapelvintagemarket.com I am also going to start teaching yoga again at the Chapel! These are all things I love to do... so I am at home with this life.
Lastly, I have been playing with essential oils a bit. By accident really, I have noticed some great benefits to these oils. In desperation, I put lavender oil on my dogs toy hoping to calm him down after a high anxiety moment... well he calmed an went to sleep! I hadn't planned it, I just had the oil that I use in my dryer balls and thought, "Why not?". People suffer from allergies in a big way out here, with the lush landscape and big wind... I have noticed that the oils really help to relieve that dry itchy feeling that comes along with the wind. I use them in my candles, and have learned so much that I thought, why not look into this further. I am looking for hormonal support, help with sleeping, and if there are any that will help me grow 4 inches that would be great...LOL! I am excited to tell y'all that I ordered my first starter kit from Young Living and am anxiously waiting for it in the mail! I will keep you posted and let you know what I think.
I miss all of my old friends and family and can't wait to see you again. I am so happy to have new friends, and can't wait to see you again! If we haven't met yet, I look forward to meeting you! Let's be friends!